<p>To preserve usability and accuracy, you should never mark your map, so the map case also comes complete with a plastic cover that enables you to make notes on it using a permanent marker so as to plan your route or mark your location. </p> Learn More
<p>Shooters, soldiers, police officers and others use this belt to help secure gun holsters and to keep pants on the waist while moving around. It can also be used for support in extreme emergency climbing situations. </p> Learn More
<p><span lang="EN-JM">Regimental sergeants-major, who before the Boer War had worn four chevrons with a crown, were given in 1902 the badge of a single large crown on the lower arm, but adopted a small version of the Royal arms in its place in 1915 when they became warrant officers class I (WOI) as the warrant officer class extended. </span></p> Learn More
<p>The first British Army rank insignia were introduced in 1760. Badges for field officers were first introduced in 1810. These badges consisted of (and still consist of) crowns and pips. </p> Learn More