<p>A dog tag is the informal name for the identification tags worn by military personnel, named such as it bears resemblance to actual dog tags. Traditionally, dog tags were used to identify thedead or wounded. Nowadays, they are worn as fashion jewelry done in all different colours and styles. </p> Learn More
<p>A dog tag is the informal name for the identification tags worn by military personnel, named such as it bears resemblance to actual dog tags. Traditionally, dog tags were used to identify thedead or wounded. However, it is now apart of the fashion industry, as they come in different colour colours and styles. </p> Learn More
<p>Military berets feature a headband or sweatband attached to light, airy material usually 100% wool or a combination of wool and cotton. The beret is adorned with a cap badge, either cloth or metal. Some berets have a piece of buckram or other stiffener in the position where the badge is intended to be worn. It also includes 2 holes at one of the sides for ventilation. </p> Learn More
<p>The pre-war<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span>infantry<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span>rank of<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span>Colour Sergeant<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span>had generally given way to the ranks of company sergeant-major and quartermaster-sergeant in 1914 when the four-company organisation was introduced.</p> Learn More
<p><span>The pre-war<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span>infantry<span class="apple-converted-space"><span> </span></span><span>rank of<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span></span>Colour Sergeant<span class="apple-converted-space"><span> </span></span><span>had generally given way to the ranks of company sergeant-major and quartermaster-sergeant in 1914 when the four-company organisation was introduced.</span></span></p> Learn More
<p><span>Regimental quartermaster-sergeants wore four chevrons on the lower sleeve, point upwards, with an eight pointed star above, but adopted the crown when they too became warrant officers class II in 1915. In their case, however, the crown was surrounded by a wreath. </span></p> Learn More
<p>The first British Army rank insignia were introduced in 1760. Badges for field officers were first introduced in 1810. These badges consisted of (and still consist of) crowns and pips. These rank insignia were worn on shoulder epaulettes.</p> Learn More